How safe are you from COVID-19 after receiving the vaccination?
1. Am I at risk of catching the COVID-19 virus even after vaccination?
2. Should I get an anti-body test done after vaccination?
3. Does the vaccination would protect me from all the COVID-19 virus strains?
Know the answer to these from Dr. Shwetal Gadhavi, Head of Dept, Preventive Health Check, HCG Hospital, Ahmedabad.
Vaccination program going on in our country for COVID-19, please have a lot of questions: How much level of protection they have? Whether they should test ani-body or not? Whether they are protected against new muted strains or not?
For above all these questions, I have simple suggestions:
1. Any brand of vaccination available in our country, gives 70% protection, but it will reduce the severity of infection if you catch COVID-19, so there is no harm in taking a vaccination shot and do it at the proper time. One and second shot with an interval of 4 weeks. Even after getting the vaccination, you have to continue wearing masks, social distancing, and following hand hygiene. Corona is going to stay with us, so we have to make it a habit to follow the simple steps.
2. Now the level of anti-body testing after vaccination does not indicate the level of protection you have. Even if you have to get anti-body tested, don’t be the under of the first sense of security. Continue the mask, the simple solution is we have no answer to Mask.
3. There are so many muted strains going around us, whether it is a Brazilian strain, UK strain, or South African Strain. Whether are we protected against these strains or not, the scientific data is still under research. Right now, we have to follow the mask, and please take your vaccination, Thank you. Keep Safe | Wear Mask | Issued in the public interest by HCG Preventive Health.