Senior Citizen Health Checkup

Package Price: 3,650

Package Category: General,

Package available in:
HCG Suchirayu Hospital, Hubli

Package Details

Complete Blood Count (CBC) with ESR

  • HB
  • RBC Count
  • HCT
  • MCV
  • MCH
  • MCHC
  • Total WBC Count
  • Differential Count
  • Platelet count
  • ESR

Blood Glucose Fasting

Blood Glucose Postprandial

HbA1c (Glycosylated Haemoglobin)

Lipid Profile

  • T. Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • HDL- Cholesterol
  • LDL- Cholesterol
  • VLDL
  • Chol/ HDL

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)



Phosphorus (PO4)

Blood Group and Rh Typing

Pap Smear or Cervical Smear (Only for Females)

Chest X-ray; PA View

USG- Abdomen and Pelvis

Electrocardiography (ECG)- Interpretation and Report

OP Consultation- First Visit (Physician)

OP Consultation- First Visit (General Surgeon)

OP Consultation- First Visit (Dietitian)

OP Consultation- First Visit (Dental)

*Breakfast Included

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